
This is where it ends
This is where it ends

this is where it ends this is where it ends

He shoots Claires brother who he was close to supposedly accidentally he dies. Tyler shoots teachers and students for random reasons that he announces. Sylv thinks Tyler is there to kill her for not leaving his sister alone like he asked. They call the police.Ĭlaire and chris are at track practice, coach getting permission for them to skip assembly to get a head start on training. Tomas and his friend Fareed skipped the assembly and are in the principal’s office looking up student records when they hear the gun shots. He locks everyone in the auditorium during the first day welcome assembly and shoots the principal right away.

this is where it ends

Tyler drops out of school but reenrolls a year later but on the first day he shows up with a gun. Claire and Tyker broke up because she walked in when Tyler kissed Sylv and Sylv was trying to say no.

this is where it ends

He was dating Claire who runs track with her best friend Chris. Tyler was also bullied by other students. Sylv’s brother Tomas knows something went down between them and tries to protect his twin by standing up to Tyler. She’s not allowed to dance because their dad blames “dance” for their mother’s death who died when she crashed her car due to passing out because of exhaustion.Īutumn is also now dating Sylv, her best friend, and Tyler does not like having a gay sister so he harasses Sylv and assaults her physically and sexually. Their dad takes out his anger and grief by physically abusing Autumn and sometimes Tyler steps in, but recently he told their dad that autumn was dancing knowing that it would cause the dad to beat her. Since Autumn and Tyler’s mom passed away nothing has been the same. The whole book takes place within 1 hour. Summary: 39 are dead 24 are in the hospital. The story is told in 4 voices Autumn, Sylv, Claire, Tomas - each chapter changes to another character.

This is where it ends