
Torenhoog En Mijlen Breed by Tonke Dragt
Torenhoog En Mijlen Breed by Tonke Dragt

I got the books as an e-book, and finished the prequel within 24 hours. I have rewatched it, especially season 1, multiple times. I absolutely loved the cartoon as a kid (and adolescent. – I started reading “The Animals of Farthing Wood”-series. I did like the story, but it was so slow, and some of the characters… argh! I now succeeded through pure perserverance, and the knowing that my partner loved this book (since he could relate to the main character, being an painting artist who couldn’t always do what he would love to be doing). I attempted to read the book that followed multiple times, but just couldn’t get through. I must’ve read that book at least 5 times. This book follows onto “Torenhoog en Mijlen Breed” (Towering High and Miles Wide not translated as well) that I devoured as a kid and young adult. – I finally, finally, FINALLY finished “Ogen van Tijgers” (Eyes of Tigers this book has not been translated into English though) by Tonke Dragt.

Torenhoog En Mijlen Breed by Tonke Dragt Torenhoog En Mijlen Breed by Tonke Dragt

However, there were some book-related high points:

Torenhoog En Mijlen Breed by Tonke Dragt

This past week consisted of way more Buffy the Vampire Slayer (just finished season 2, and started season 3) than reading.

Torenhoog En Mijlen Breed by Tonke Dragt